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KNOWLEDGEaccessINDIA is a leader in knowledge search from INDIA. Our mission is to to connect the world's top professionals with the best knowledge from all industries & regions of INDIA to drive their thinking towards quick decisions for stellar business growth

Local Familiarity: Our client extends its network in INDIA and gains valuable insight into the unique regulatory, distribution and marketing challenges in Indian market.

Key Acquisition: In-depth, face-to-face or phone consultations with local experts enable our client to identify and then quickly execute a strategically relevant acquisition, giving them a leg-up in a large potential Indian market.

360 Degree Knowledge: Such a range of Expert Advisors provided the client with channel partner, supply chain, customer, finance and operational perspectives, giving them a holistic understanding of the opportunity  in INDIA

Better Decisions: Discussions with suppliers and key customers helps our client evaluate the medium term viability of the business, and inform their decision to move ahead with the potential acquisition in INDIA.

Expert Insight: In-depth consultations enabled our client to understand best practice applicable in Indian Market

Idea Generation: Expert interviews with senior industry professionals in the space revealed current consumer trends and those in which manufacturers are reacting to most aggressively, leading our client to spot opportunities and take decisive steps forward.

Combinatorial ThinkingIn-depth consultations with former executives revealed strengths and weaknesses of organizational design models and best practice, informing our client’s evaluation exercise.

Actionable Knowledge: Insight gathered from discussions led to new ways of thinking around the key elements of best-in-class product innovation structures and processes.

Handpicked Expertise: we can arrange for team of experts for our client to choose & proceed.

Unique Perspectives: Clients were able to hear insights directly from one of the world’s foremost experts in the field and put their own questions to the Expert, including specific questions with his permission

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